Robin hood legend of sherwood
Robin hood legend of sherwood

robin hood legend of sherwood

The exceptions to that, the area is permanently revealed when you approach it, sometimes without you going in. Most places inside you simply go into(without seeing anything), and you can hide yourself, as well anyone you've killed or rendered unconscious, and if you can go to(and leave through) another door than the one you entered through, it/they will glow. You can't rotate the view, however, you won't miss it, and interiors are dealt with in a smart manner, as well. You get a helpful map that won't confuse anyone.

robin hood legend of sherwood

The interface is intuitive, there's sort of a way-point mode, and it is not difficult to utilize the tactical opportunities you have, and they're reasonably plentiful(do note that they tend to fall into the categories of distracting and temporarily knocking out there's no travelling by water, and obviously no blowing anything up). Once you've learnt about half a dozen hot-keys by heart, you're good to go.

robin hood legend of sherwood

In general, this tends to be easy to get into. Bosses duel with you, and I believe every one of them is a figure you may know from having heard the tale. You can also move around, and in fact attempt a retreat, if you're facing tough foes. Try pushing enemies into each other, and down stairs. right clicking makes the person you're fencing as take a break from striking and instead parry until further notice, and drawing a basic line, circle or such will have you attacking like that(right to left or vice versa, a direct stab, or spinning around to ward off anyone within range). It handles multiple opponents pretty well, if it could use a tiny bit of polishing. Combat is simple, and with a nice amount of moves. that's probably why Will Scarlett doesn't use knives, and instead a mace(not to be confused with the kind you spray at assailants), for reasons of equality). that's an aspect that this incorporates that I have yet to witness in any other title like this, the regular population actually respond to you, and there are those of them will actually go tell the guards on you, since they do not all realize that your activities are for the best of the country) in this is capable of defending themselves at short range(that goes for your own people as well. Then again, you get to do plenty of battle in this, as well as partake in the battle between those true to Richard the Lionhearted, and those who swear allegiance with his deceiving brother, the Prince. I wish the first time he met Robin they'd have that famous fight. Little John has a perfect, booming voice(the cast is spot-on all the way, and the acting is almost flawless, they even get the accent right) and always fights with that staff. This stays relatively true to the legend, and includes all of the characters that you know. I would have never thought of this being done like this, but I have to admit, they got away with it. The plot works well to introduce new-comers(without being condescending towards those who know it) whilst including all of the elements and characters(to the best of my recollection). A birds-eye view, control of five characters for one level and abilities specific to the characters. and while that one is the superior of the two, this still has its value).

robin hood legend of sherwood


Instead, they opted to make this in a similar manner to Commandos(since the second of the series came out before this, comparisons are impossible to avoid. A standardly-controlled action outing wouldn't cut it.


How to convert a centuries old legend that has been re-told many times, with additions over time(romance, in the form of Maid Marian, for example, was not part of the original, I understand)? Robin and his band of companions were, obviously, not just one man. Not everything can be turned into a video-game.

Robin hood legend of sherwood